Chickenpox blistering stages may leave skin with scars. Scars may be raised, indented or swollen as well as discolored or itchy; scratching could exacerbate further damage; therefore it is important to resist the urge to scratch as scratching may lead to further scarring and delay healing time and deepen existing scars.

Consult a dermatologist to explore your treatment options for scars caused by chicken pox. A professional can suggest treatments that will lessen their appearance and even out your skin texture and tone more evenly; depending on the type of scar, treatments could include chemical peels, microneedling or laser therapies.

Chemical peels can help rejuvenate skin that has an uneven or discolored complexion by exfoliating its top layers, as well as diminish the appearance of scars associated with chicken pox scarring and discoloration. A series of chemical peels may be necessary in order to achieve the desired results.

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance scars by stimulating collagen production. This treatment can also be used for other skin conditions and conditions associated with chickenpox scarring such as sunken scars or discoloration. Microneedling sessions must be repeated over multiple visits for optimal results.

Laser therapy is another proven approach to diminishing chickenpox scars, providing dramatic yet minimal results. The laser’s light wavelength penetrates deeply into old scars while lightening reddened or discolored skin caused by blisters of chickenpox. Ablative lasers produce more dramatic yet aggressive results compared with nonablative ones.

Laser skin resurfacing procedures offer less invasive yet significant improvement for scars. They can reduce icepick, boxcar and rolling scars. This procedure is suitable for patients with mild-moderate chickenpox scarring.

As part of an effective skin health regimen, eating healthily and drinking enough fluids are also key components. This will aid the healing process while also avoiding further scarring in the future. Patients should avoid picking at or scratching at healed skin as this could disrupt its recovery process, leading to permanent scarring.